January 7, 2020

K AC Week 1

   Week 1 AC K  Discussion(250 words) and two responses ( few lines)  Discuss the three components of Access Control and their importance. Week 1 AC assignment  Discuss how business use Access Control to protect their information, describe the how a business will the Control Process. Length, 2 pages. Enter […]
January 7, 2020

APP (6)

  Assignment Details Graded?YesPoints Possible100.0Resubmissions Allowed?No Assignment Instructions Turn-Ins:  “Where Am I?” : (A)    Create your program/project “Where Am I”  in Android Studio. (hint: MacLean Book Chapter 19 Figure 19-5)  “Where Am I ” project should use geo coding with Android, and geocoding to a point given the location name. […]
January 7, 2020

Assignment 1 (Wk1)

  Grade Details GradeN/AGradebook CommentsNone Assignment Details Assignment Instructions In order to complete assignment #1 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format […]
January 7, 2020


Discuss your experience at this term’s Residency.  How was your presentation received by the audience? Briefly comment on at least two other student presentations.  Read and respond to at least two other students Discussions.
January 7, 2020


Why is Python a great starter language?  Historically, one of the first programming languages we learn has been some variant of BASIC. This is no longer the case.  1.  Why was BASIC good in the past?  2.  Why have we moved to Python?  3.  Feature-by-feature, how powerful is BASIC vs. […]
January 7, 2020

Course Name: Operations Security

  Information Systems Security (ISS). What is it? The act of protecting information and the systems that store, process and transmit Why is ISS needed? ISS provides a foundation for establishing protection of systems and data against risks such as: Unauthorized access and Use, Disclosure, System Disruption, Modification or Corruption […]
January 7, 2020

Cloud Computing Audit

1)  Describe in 500 words discuss the scope of a cloud computing audit for your business. Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. 2)  In 500 words or more, compare DNS […]
January 7, 2020

Powerpoint Presentation Help

  Instructions Choose two countries (excluding the United States), and prepare a presentation that explains their basic Internet infrastructure. Discuss the origins and key technologies behind the Internet for your chosen countries. Include their public and commercial infrastructures and their backbone connectivity to the Internet. Create a graphic illustrating a […]
January 6, 2020

Data Science And Big Data Analyt / Discussion

  One important aspect of data science is reframing business challenges as analytics challenges. Understanding this concept is necessary for understanding the application of the data analytics lifecycle. Review this week’s required reading. Construct an essay that incorporates the following information: a. Briefly describe an industry that is of interest […]