April 25, 2022

Audit of Infrastructure

You work for a consulting company that performs audits of a companys IT infrastructure. Your company has been contracted to audit the IT Infrastructure for LSS (LMJ-Star Services). You and your team were sent in to complete the audit. You determine that this will be the first review that LSS […]
April 23, 2022

Information Technology

Please respond substantively to the following Share the link to the resource on social media initiatives and information technology that was most useful to you.Be sure to explain what was most useful to you in this resource.Describe the importance of effective change leadership in relation to an organizations adoption of […]
April 17, 2022

Incident Response

Background: Attacks on critical infrastructure are likely to become the norm in cyber warfare and cyber espionage. Nation states and other hostile actors (e.g. terrorists) are likely to use these attacks to make a statement or further their interest in some fashion. Consider the following:Being in charge of information security […]
April 17, 2022

Attacks on nuclear facilities

Background: History can be one of the most important teachers, especially when it comes to cyber security and incident response. Learning from attacks on others from the same or similar industries can provide insight on how the IRT should be prepared for similar, if not the same, attacks within their […]
April 17, 2022

Hardening Memo

Write a professional memo to management with your recommendation for whether or not to implement a set of hardening guidelines. What guidelines would you recommend, if you would recommend them? Clearly explain your reasons, one way or the other, including important benefits for your recommendation. Also, recommend guidance for performing […]
April 11, 2022

Why I am interested in this program and how this program can achieve your career goal.

Please tell me if there are better phrases, expressions and vocabularies that I can write on the essay. It is okay that your change whole sentences or contents. I want you to check if the essay is easy to understand. If no, please give me feedback.
April 9, 2022

Design your own algorithm using both pseudocode and flowchart

The goal of this project is to test your knowledge of the basics of programming structures.  More specifically, you will design your own algorithm using both pseudocode and a flowchart. Think of some daily activities that you perform.  You are going to prepare a plan and design an algorithm that […]
April 9, 2022

Network Analogy

In this project, you will write up your own network analogy.  The analogy in the lesson used snail mail so you will make your own using some other concept. For example, you could go big as a country or go smaller and use a school, office, your home, or something […]
April 7, 2022

Internship Report

Read the word doc answer the question below 1. Introduction to company (what company does) and where you fit who you report to, which department, etc. 2. Business learning objectives to meet or problem that the company was facing description, scope, seriousness, and potential impact of solution. List your Learning […]