February 29, 2020

Public Policy Paper

Using the public policy that you chose in Topic 1 and outlined in Topic 4, create a paper to discuss the following criteria applying the six stages of public policy making. In 1,750-2,000 words, do the following: Describe the public policy and the agenda setting, including why this policy was […]
February 29, 2020

Voters responsibility

Write a 2 page essay discussing whether and how (a) The act of voting is the personal responsibility and (b) Citizens have a social responsibility to consider how his or her individual vote will affect the diverse interests of the broader community. 12 FontTimes New Roman1″ marginDouble spaced
February 29, 2020


  Can there be an objective reality that is the same for everyone? Give examples of them, or of why there can’t be. Please remember to use references from the readings. You should respond to at least two other posts and they must add to the discussion. Discussions are graded […]
February 28, 2020

Week 8 Discussion

  1. MNCs, IOs, NGOs, and the European Union are nonstate actors in the role of pushing foreign policy to combat terrorism. Discuss 1 or 2 ways in which the national strategy influences any of these nonstate actors. 2. Analyze the benefits or disadvantages for the United States with regard to […]
February 28, 2020


  Hurricane Sandy As It Happened Time passes much too quickly and we have seen many more events since Sandy. Take the totality of your exposure in this term, let’s look forward. Where do you think Emergency Management is headed and why?   Video Links: Hurricane Sandy Superstorm
February 27, 2020

Unit I Course Project

  Instructions During this course, you will create a company profile. You will begin this project in this unit, and new sections will be added in Units II, III, V, and VII. For this first section, you will select a company, describe it, and develop a report on the social […]
February 27, 2020

Discussion 7

  reading entitled ‘Barriers to Change”. Describe the key obstacle to implementing your recommendations in the issue study. Please use this link:
February 26, 2020


Assignment 4 – Write an essay of at least 500 words aligning the following two objectives with your topic. Some students make the assignment more complicated than it needs to be.  Imagine the assignment in this way – there is no capstone paper, you have only been given a topic […]
February 26, 2020

Federal Govt-1000 Words Essay

  Chapter 4 in your textbook goes over a wide variety of civil liberties. On pages 115-120, the freedom of religion is explained, with emphasis on the establishment clause and the free exercise clause.  For this assignment, you will need to read the above-mentioned pages, in addition to the following web links […]