July 30, 2022

Synethesis Paper

I have to take both of the papers that I have below and combine them into one cohesive paper. Three references from each paper must be used from each paper that I will attach for a total of 6 references. Using the activities you selected in your planning worksheet, write […]
July 30, 2022

Historic Garden Styles

The purpose of this assignment is to apply the content from the reading The Garden in History by analyzing a historical site. While you are completing the virtual tour of the site you have selected, identify the elements and aspects of the site that correspond with what you have read […]
July 30, 2022


it’s a group project, the requirement is in the attachment. It concludes the task division. You just need to write part 2b for 3 pages (traffic management, security  (stakeholders,     communication plans, and contingency). And there is additional 1 page of lessons learned that l highlighted.
July 30, 2022

History of Disability

Based on the Articles on the History of Disability, describe how disability was used to oppress minorities and women? What is the larger implication here about the way disability has been used historically? What does the History of Tiny Tim teach us about Disability History? Be sure to use all […]
July 29, 2022

The IS-MP Model

The IS curve shows the combinations of the real interest rate and the aggregate output that represent equilibrium in the market for goods and services. The MP curve represents Federal Reserve monetary policy. For each of the following, evaluate how the IS curve and MP curve might be affected (if […]
July 29, 2022

Related to the ” Capstone Project Topic Selection and Approval”

In collaboration with the approved course preceptor, students will identify a specific evidence-based topic for the capstone project change proposal. Write a 150-250 word summary explaining which category your topic and intervention are under (community or leadership). This is related to order # #200250959Capstone Project Topic Selection and Approval
July 29, 2022

The AD-AS Model and the Effects of Monetary Policy

In a speech, titled Recent Economic Developments, Monetary Policy Considerations and Longer-Term Prospects (Links to an external site.), in June 2016, Jerome Powell, a member of the Federal Reserves Board of Governors, then, stated that the fraction of the U.S. population aged 25 to 54 who were working or actively […]
July 29, 2022

Impacts of COVID-19 on Small Business

After reviewing the material on the Literature Review posted above, please return to your annotated bibliography, or your last assignment, and begin developing “categories” to help you to organize your sources. Post one category below and list several sources that might fill that category. Remember that some sources may fall […]
July 29, 2022

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Review the Strategic Management Project Background document and your Strategic Management Research Journal entries from Weeks 14. Create a 12- to 14-slide presentation, complete with speaker notes for Caterpillar Inc.s leadership team, in which you summarize your key findings, propose recommendations, and provide rationale for your recommendations. Address the following […]