May 26, 2022

Controlled Substance Act 1970

The primary goal of your final assignment is to critically analyze the specific topic you have chosen regarding American national government. You have been preparing for this final assignment each week by constructing an Annotated Bibliography (Week 2) and a detailed outline of the Final Papers main points (Week 3) […]
May 25, 2022

Does the influence of political agendas weigh too heavily on legislating in the federal, state and local governments of the United States?

Enduring Understanding:Politics and government can create confusion among the masses but the ultimate aim is to create an orderly society. Essential Questions:      How do politics and government work hand in hand?      Is the true focus of American government work on what the masses want and need?  […]
May 19, 2022

a. Discuss the theory under which sovereign power was taken from the king and given to the people as articulated in the Declaration of Independence? In Federalist Paper # 10, James Madison discusses the problem of Factions in a Democracy. b. What are fact

a. Discuss the theory under which sovereign power was taken from the king and given to the people as articulated in the Declaration of Independence? In Federalist Paper # 10, James Madison discusses the problem of Factions in a Democracy. b. What are factions and why are they problematic? (Provide […]
May 19, 2022

Respond to the following based upon your class readings, viewings and additional research. Be sure to support your response with data, quotations and anecdotes. Please be sure to provide ALL citations in APA format. What is “Divided Government”? What are

Respond to the following based upon your class readings, viewings and additional research. Be sure to support your response with data, quotations and anecdotes. Please be sure to provide ALL citations in APA format. What is “Divided Government”? What are the Pros and Cons of divided government in American Politics? […]
May 19, 2022

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For up five points on your lowest exam score, you can do the following assignment. In this course, you have studied concepts like factions and ideology, and institutions like Congress and the presidency. For this assignment, reflect on the connections and applications of what you learned in this class with […]
May 19, 2022

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For up five points on your lowest exam score, you can do the following assignment. In this course, you have studied concepts like factions and ideology, and institutions like Congress and the presidency. For this assignment, reflect on the connections and applications of what you learned in this class with […]
May 18, 2022

U.S. political system

Reflect upon the topics we have covered this semester. Based on what you know about institutions (constitution, federalism, legislature, executive, and judiciary) and processes (public opinion, media, interest groups, political parties, campaigns, and elections), assess in what ways the U.S. political system is democratic and in what ways it is […]
May 17, 2022

Final Essay

Address the following questions in a reflection paper.  Be certain to address all of the questions to receive credit. 1. From what you learned this semester about the history, principles and problems of American Government, what did you find most interesting and why? 2. What do you think about the […]
May 17, 2022

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Question 2: The U.S. Constitution has 27 Amendments. The first ten amendments, called the Bill of Rights, were added in 1791 to address issues noted by the Anti-federalists. Later amendments were added to address concerns that arose in subsequent years. Please select a) one of the Bill of Rights Amendments […]