May 23, 2022

Any topic (writer’s choice)

How do the sin categories: Alienation, Condemnation, Enslavement, and Depravity Apply to the following case: Case: John, a 29-year-old Caucasian male, recently started therapy due to symptoms of depression. In childhood, he reported a distant and abusive father, leading to constant thoughts of unworthiness and failure. These thoughts, over the […]
May 22, 2022

APA Within the Psychology Profession

Career interest: Social Worker identify one division related to your career interest that you would consider joining and one specific job related to that division. Conduct a search on your chosen job using O*Net Online. Briefly elaborate on the information provided on the job you searched, and be sure to […]
May 22, 2022

Any topic (writer’s choice)

History of Special Education Timeline The inclusion of individuals with disabilities, both in schools and in the community, has changed significantly over the last 100 years. This has been influenced by a variety of events, court cases, and laws. It is important for special education teachers to be aware of […]
May 22, 2022

Strategic Planning

Strategic PlanningAnalyze a strategic plan, comparing and contrasting how it compares with what you’ve learned from this week’s study materials:    Gates Family Foundation. (2016). Strategic plan 20172021 [PDF]. Retrieved from you’ve analyzed your chosen plan, you will develop recommendations for the organizations leaders that you believe would be […]
May 22, 2022

discuss the current state of public schools related with what is good curriculum

You have been commissioned as an educational expert to help answer some of the most important educational questions today. You will be asked to discuss the current state of public schools, in relevance to this issue, as well as provide multiple perspectives on this issue and what you foresee is […]
May 22, 2022

Unit lesson Plan

Write a several page (500 to 1000 words, 2 to 4 pages), early draft of your Project 2 Unit LessonPlan. This draft will be worth 30% of the Units mark (7.5% of the course grade). In the draft,you should have an initial Unit Plan Summary that includes at least one […]
May 21, 2022

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning Analyze a strategic plan, comparing and contrasting how it compares with what you’ve learned from this week’s study materials:    Gates Family Foundation. (2016). Strategic plan 20172021 [PDF]. Retrieved from you’ve analyzed your chosen plan, you will develop recommendations for the organizations leaders that you believe would be […]
May 21, 2022

Ethics in Practice

Ethics in PracticeEthical Decision MakingThink about a situation you have experienced where the ethics were problematic for you; perhaps, it was a hiring decision, a firing decision, or allocation of scarce resources. Answer the following prompt:–    How did you make your decision? What were your guiding thoughts? –    Were you […]
May 21, 2022

What is the Bumpass Graphing Technique and when might you use it when working clinically?

1. What is the Bumpass Graphing Technique and when might you use it when working clinically? (one page) I will provide the article and the page number 2. Define what we mean by not guilty by reason of insanity vs incompetent to stand trial. Choose one of the following people:  […]