May 21, 2022

What is the Bumpass Graphing Technique and when might you use it when working clinically?

1. What is the Bumpass Graphing Technique and when might you use it when working clinically? (one page) I will provide the article and the page number 2. Define what we mean by not guilty by reason of insanity vs incompetent to stand trial. Choose one of the following people:  […]
May 20, 2022

Any topic (writer’s choice)

statement in which reflect on what theoretical perspectives and empirical studies in the field of developmental psychology. Piagets Cognitive Stage Theory and the Neo-Piagetians Freuds and Ericksons Psychoanalytic Theories Social Learning Theory
May 19, 2022

Measurement, Data Display, and Data-Based Decisions

Measurement, Data Display, and Data-Based Decisions This assignment is the third component of your course project. For this assignment, you will be assessed on your understanding of the following course competencies: Develop a plan to measure, generalize, and maintain intervention strategies.Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with […]
May 18, 2022

Article Reflection #1

The article reflections must include a background of the study or article, the purpose of the research or article, whether a study or a review was conducted, information about the methods of the study (if data was collected), a summary of the conclusions of the study or article, and what […]
May 18, 2022

Family Rituals and Story Project

My family is composed of myself Tiara brother Lawrence and Mom Darlene single parent no Dad Every family has some rituals and traditions.These practices often have symbolic meaning that isnt always obvious.This project will give you an opportunity to explore rituals and traditions in your own family heritage.Similarly, family members […]
May 18, 2022

any topic

If you do not wish to take part in social science experiments by participating in the Research Experience Program, you may satisfy this requirement by writing six 2-page mini (400-500 words) research papers. Topics for papers are listed below:  Paper 1: the history of experiments on human behavior Paper 2: […]
May 17, 2022

Psychology M4D1: Got Grit?

M4D1: Got Grit? Info to read and Video to watch: Watch the TED Talk by Angela Lee Duckworththe key to success? Grit  (Links to an external site.)[Video file, 6:02 minutes]. (2013).  Think about grit and learning, and participate in the discussion. Work: Describe the role of approach and […]
May 17, 2022

Psychology M4D1: Got Grit?

M4D1: Got Grit? Info to read and Video to watch: Watch the TED Talk by Angela Lee Duckworththe key to success? Grit  (Links to an external site.)[Video file, 6:02 minutes]. (2013).  Think about grit and learning, and participate in the discussion. Work: Describe the role of approach and […]
May 16, 2022


Week 8 – Assignment: Designing a Coaching PlanHide Folder InformationTurnitinTurnitin enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsFor your signature assignment, develop a coaching philosophy that includes all of the sport psychology elements discussed in these last seven weeks. Organize this project in sections, one for each area, with documentation to […]