July 16, 2022

Behavioral System Model

Dorothy Johnson’s model was the first to provide a guide to both understanding and action. She had two ideas which dealt with understanding seen first as a holistic, behavioral system process mediated by a complex framework and second as an active process of encounter and response. she developed conceptual models […]
July 16, 2022

Revise a Rubric

Search the Internet for an example of a rubric that you think could use improvement. Annotate that rubric to mark what changes you would make and/or show revisions to improve it. Write a summary of your thought process that reflects why you chose this particular rubric and identifies which overarching […]
July 15, 2022

Create a Rubric

For this assignment, pretend you are part of a judging panel to evaluate the neighborhood garden contest. Your neighbors are showcasing their vegetable gardens this year. Create a rubric for how your panel will judge these gardens. Explain how you chose the criteria and scale for the rubric. Be sure […]
July 15, 2022

Different Types of Assessments

You are the go to person in your organization on assessment and have been asked to make a presentation at your organizations professional development day. Your organization can vary; you may be an employee working in K-12, higher education, or in the corporate sector. The people who work in your […]
July 15, 2022

developmental/lifespan psychology, prenatal development and birth, and the physical, emotional, cognitive, social development in infants and toddlers, and early childhood.

https://fod-infobase-com.ezproxy.mscc.edu/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=86547 view the free streaming video documentaryAfter viewing the program in its entirety, students are to write an essay of a minimum of one thousand (1,000) wordsthis section the student should provide, in their own words, a reasonably detailed summary of the salient information presented in the programIn this section […]
July 15, 2022

School Board Policy Issue

You will select and analyze one local (district or school-level) policy issue that you believe needs to be changed, added, or deleted from the official board policy. Describe the policy issue and its implications on the school setting. Use resources such as student handbooks, school and district websites, school board […]
July 15, 2022

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A written discussion about a current news article of your choice. This article must relate to policy issues in education. You will critique the article in relation to the evidence that the author used in making their claim. Show whether the author provided reasonable arguments and facts for their main […]
July 15, 2022

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Policy determines how money is spent on education. As a means of decentralizing control of schools and allowing families more options, there has been a push for charter schools, magnet schools, virtual schools, private school tax credits, vouchers, etc. Discuss why families should or should not be able to use […]
July 14, 2022

Literature Review

The purpose of the literature review is to provide the context within which the project will be developed and framed. The process of finding, reviewing, synthesizing, analyzing, and writing the literature review provides greater definition to the theoretical framework and gives you a strong foundation from which to work when […]