September 3, 2020


Its an exam to do within a time frame about Introduction to C, very basic questions. Ill receive the document at 5:20 and have to submit the answers before 7:35 (thats UTC-4, I live in Montreal) The questions will be in french but I can translate them before sending them […]
September 3, 2020


Its an exam to do within a time frame about Introduction to C, very basic questions. Ill receive the document at 5:20 and have to submit the answers before 7:35 (thats UTC-4, I live in Montreal) The questions will be in french but I can translate them before sending them […]
September 2, 2020

Object Oriented Programming

You are to build a windows forms application project. This project deals with keeping track of the different budgets a company allocates to each department. As well as keeping track of all the expenses make of a given budget. You are going to build 3 classes.1. Base class Budget2. Child […]
September 2, 2020

Web & Database Design

Everything else is in the documents. Project SummaryDescriptionYour web application project for the Semester is to design and develop a task/chore roster system for shared spaces that allows managers to set tasks, notifies users of their tasks, and allows users to mark tasks as complete. Upon loading the system should […]
September 1, 2020

Schnel Rose

Question 1 You are employed to a software firm and is assigned to work on coding of the menu section of a library software. Create a structure containing book information such as accession number, name of author, book title and ensure that the software has the capability to flag to […]
September 1, 2020

Haskell expert needed for assistance in Examen, Real time

I need a Haskell exper that can help me with an exam tomorrow at 11.00 Paris Time You should be familiar with lambda calculus, infering the most general type of simple haskell programs (Milner algorithm). As well as being able to code well (using high level functions and all […]
August 31, 2020

Alice Programming Assignment 5

(Use Alice Software) A common exercise is teaching someone a new language is to show the person familiar objects and ask for the word for that object.  In this exercise, you are to write a simple vocabulary builder to help someone learn the Spanish word for cat.  The scene shows […]
August 31, 2020

Alice Programming Assignment 4

(Please use Alice software) Create a method that performs an animation appropriate for the ride object selected.(found in attachment)   Then create a way to start and stop the ride using the “While something is true “EVENT”  (do not use a while statement). Use an object other than the spacebar […]
August 31, 2020

Alice Programming Assignment 3

(Make sure to have Alice software) The scene below shows a world with 6 people that speak different languages and are standing around a globe. These languages could include English, Turkish, Spanish, French, Irish and Italian. You can use other languages if you choose. Create an animation where any […]