August 31, 2020

Alice Programming Assignment 2

(Please have Alice software) The Tortoise and the Hare We all know the story about The Tortoise and the Hare. For this project we will use the Tortoise and Hare story line.  In our story, the bunny was confident that he would win the race, so he did not work […]
August 31, 2020

Alice Programming Assignment

(Please Have Alice software) Zeus Modification Recreate the Zeus world.  In this world, a philosopher has been zapped by lightning and is scorched to show he has met a tragic ending.  However, the philosopher is still in the scene and the user can zap him again.  Revise the program to […]
August 30, 2020

Java-Processing-Search and Sort

Write the code for the following methods:Selection sort is to repetitively pick up the smallest element and put it into the right position: Find the smallest element, and put it to the first position. Find the next smallest element, and put it to the second position. Repeat until all elements […]
August 30, 2020

C950 Data Structures and Algorithms II

For this assessment, you will apply the algorithms and data structure, in this course to solve a real programming problem. You will implement an algorithm to route delivery trucks that will allow you to meet all delivery deadlines while traveling the least number of miles. You will also describe and […]
August 30, 2020

Advanced Object-Oriented Programming with C #

Short Assignments 1: Create a Windows application for purchasing floor covering. Allow the length and width (feet and inches) of a room to be entered. Be sure to include program statements that will keep your program from crashing if they enter nonnumeric characters for the room dimensions. Using the tab […]
August 29, 2020


Before attempting this project, be sure you have completed all of the reading assignments, hands-on labs, discussions, and assignments to date.Design a Java class named Guitar that contains: A private int data field named numStrings that defines the number of strings on the guitar. The default value should be 6. […]
August 29, 2020

Create a java class

Provide Java code for a simple class of your choice. Be sure to include at least one constructor, two methods and two fields. The fields should be private. Create a test class to constuct and call the methods of your class. Describe your class and demonstrate your code functions properly. […]
August 29, 2020

Parsing and Verification of UDP Packets

The goal of this challenge is to write a small program that handles the parsing and verification of UDP packets, todemonstrate a small example of overall design architecture and code aesthetic.Provided are a few files required for bootstrap as well as example input for testing purposes. Note that a variety […]
August 28, 2020

Shells, Piping, Redirection (C)

In this assignment you shall take an existing implementation of a shell program and add some small improvements to it. Preparation – Downloading, Compiling and Testing a simple Shell ImplementationDownload and un-compress the following file: shell.tgzThe contents of the file are C sources that implement a simple shell. The contentsare: […]