March 26, 2022

does fear of covid-19 impact investor behavior

It is a behaviour finance paper. Please use the secondary data as a resources and find some reasonable methods such as regression, correlation or causality, and do not interview or survey as methodology.  Please take a look at BF lecture 5 and there is a slide called activity 2. It […]
March 23, 2022

Colour phycology

Paper instructionsI would like 120 words “What is colour phycology?” Secondly, I would like another 200 words words as a new paragraph to develop “Relationship of art therapy with colour phycology”. Another 230 words to delevop “Colours in relation with anxiety” Please include books and videos for references (amongst others)
March 21, 2022

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Small molecule therapeutics are used to treat cancers using a variety of different modes of action. Using examples which you have studied discuss: i) drug targets for the treatment of cancer (including classes of biomolecule and/or specific proteins) ii) different classes of chemotherapeutic agents and their modes of action iii) […]
February 14, 2022

Ethics and Organisations

1. Discuss John Stuart Mills objections to Benthams utilitarian principles. Use the example of the pandemic to reflect on the limitations of the utilitarian perspective as a basis for moral judgment? (refer to the book utilitarian by john stuart mill) (at least 825 words) – start with objections/ statement– discuss […]
January 14, 2022


I need someone with experience in different hybrid functionalists, they must know about TDDFT and also about transition energy. I have attached a file of what I have wrote I just need someone to expand more on the points as I will need a results discussion and conclusion
January 1, 2022

Research assignment: Micro-economics

Here is the instructions of Harvard referencing:, please follow it exactly. Instructions for the paper is attached, please read it carefully and follow all instructions, do a good job for me (we won’t have time to make huge revision)
December 27, 2021

Finishing the rest of my report on evaluating solution to help a charity transform their can/coin donations to cashless payment

With reference to the group presentation and Client Feedback (both in the documents attached), you should: 1. Briefly demonstrate an understanding of the business issue and the potential solutions provided by the group. 2. The main content of your report should concentrate on: a. An individual critical evaluation of the […]
December 12, 2021

Occupational Health & Safety Report Sections

Kindly make sure to use “Times New Roman” as the font type and the font size as 11single spacing. Make sure to reference all your findings following the “Harvard Referencing Style” Please find attached the instructions and the presentation in which you will find most of the information you will […]
December 9, 2021

Evaluation Of Writing & Speaking using CEFR scales: A gap analysis study

Title: ( You may modify it) The utilization of CEFR scales for evaluating the role of Preparatory year program in equipping the medical health care students with demanded productive skills of writing & speaking: A case study using need- Gap Analysis Approach General Abstract: Proficiency in productive English language skills […]