January 14, 2020

University of Southern California ADMISSION

Personal Statement You are required to submit a Personal Statement for our program. The personal statement should describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the proposed program at the Viterbi School of Engineering, your preparation for this field of study, study interests, future career plans, and other aspects of your […]
January 14, 2020

Can the American Dream be obtained?

You must have an intro, thesis statement (tell me what you are going to prove),arguments, citations (MLA format), and a conclusion (what did you prove?). This is not a narrative. Do not tell me a story about how someone you knew did or did notachieve the American Dream. You are […]
January 14, 2020

Book Report #1

You will read a book related to economics, and provide a 400-600 word critical book review. This book review should include at least four paragraphs: a summary of the book, an evaluation of the books strengths, an evaluation of the books weaknesses, and a conclusion that says who the book […]
January 14, 2020


You will find a current newspaper article related to economic issues, and write a three paragraph review of the article. The first paragraph is a summary of the article. The second paragraph is an analysis of the economic reasoning in the article. This paragraph should describe the cause and effect […]
January 14, 2020

testing cosmetics and other humanized products on animals

Needs claims, counterclaims, rebuttal, strong thesis, call to action, etc. Needs a work cited page at the end, MLA format Needs to include relevant information from the websites I provide My outline is not the best, if need be, please feel free to set it up however you think is […]
January 14, 2020

Counterfeit jewelry

I need a paper about counterfeit jewelry. Be sure to include the who, what, when, where, and why of that product. How much money is made creating counterfeit jewelry and how much money do the original companies lose because of it? The paper needs to be at least 1 1/2 […]
January 14, 2020

Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong (Chapter 12)

Chapter 12 of the book. :  Your summary should accurately and objectively represent the authors purpose and main ideas in no less than two but no more than three full double-spaced pages. To achieve your purpose with your audience, use the following strategies in your summary:    Introduce the text in […]
January 14, 2020

misinerpitation of the middle east

For option 2, you will pick a topic of interest that relates to media coverage, reception or consumption (e.g., media coverage of police shootings, of the Middle East or of war; changes in news consumption among teenagers and young adults, the influence of Snap Chat on conversation patterns, the influence […]
January 14, 2020

Historic American Works

With this forum, you are to discuss one (1) of the Historical American Works listed in the Supplemental Readings section of the course lessons. This discussion will help you prepare for your essay on one of these arguments due during the next section of this course (week three).In your discussion, […]