January 8, 2020

cultural identity

please take a look at the attached files, Be sure to cite. keep it simple no more than 2 pages. use my notes as a reference and make sure that you include the story that I wrote PLEASE FOLLOW MY NOTES
January 7, 2020

European Transportation

Topic: Select one industry of your choice in Europe. Identify and explain how the policies of the European Union have contributed to increase or decrease the profits of the businesses in that industry. Industry: Transportation. Format: the minimum length is 7 pages single-spaced and the maximum length is 15 pages […]
January 7, 2020

Dramatic Oppositions in Romanticism

1) Select an artwork from the Romantic Period to discuss2)Provide basic descriptive materials regarding the work3)criticize the artwork specifically referring to the presentation of oppositions/dramatic contrasts in the workNOTE: not all works of the period are well suited for this exercise4) identify any reference materials used in the creation of […]
January 7, 2020

Funding for After School Programs

Step 1 You must develop a research question which is debatable.  You may pose your question as Should toy companies censor video games for players under 25. (weird example, I know!) Motivation/ Problem statement:  What issue or problem is your paper going to address?  Why do you care about the […]
January 7, 2020

The importance of the human face in the work of Ingmar Bergman

Hi! The essay prompt is: The human face is, both stylistically and thematically, a fundamental trait of Bergman’s authorship. Discuss this statement in relation to specific scenes and sequences of your choice from the films discussed in class and with the support of your readings (you are encouraged to identify […]
January 7, 2020

Personal Epiphany

For this assignment, you will be writing a narrative essay on a personal epiphany. You will need to provide a personal story that illustrates this.  Please refer to the essay we discussed in class:  Salvation. It is a good model of a narrative essay where the author experiences an Ephiphany. […]
January 7, 2020

the downfall of Shakespeare Macbeth

1. Do you think Macbeths downfall is a result of fate the witches predictions – or did his ambitious nature andother characteristics bring about his downfall? Discuss whether or not Macbeths personality or charactercaused him to commit such tragic acts and describe the traits that made him susceptible to the […]
January 7, 2020

the big sleep movie

Write a clear, coherent, well-organized, well-supported paperstating and proving a specific, focused thesis about some aspect of one or two ofthe visual texts (films, movies, painting, photographs) that have been discussedin class so far, or about some other US visual text of your choice. If you choose atext or texts […]
January 7, 2020

Frozen River

Write a clear, coherent, well-organized, well-supported paperstating and proving a specific, focused thesis about some aspect of one or two ofthe visual texts (films, movies, painting, photographs) that have been discussedin class so far, or about some other US visual text of your choice. If you choose atext or texts […]