January 5, 2020


Rubric: This essay is very important in the selection of opportunity grant recipients. The purpose of the essay is to determine relative need as compared to other applicants. Please explain your financial circumstances and describe any background or life experiences that would enhance educational diversity.
January 5, 2020

Reel Injun: On The Trail of the Hollywood Indian

I Have attached the movie files Hollywood has made over 4000 films about Native people over the past hundred years. Reel Injun takes a look at how North American Natives have been portrayed in Cinema over the past hundred years. Word count: 400 (for the entire assignment) If you need, […]
January 5, 2020

abortion pro choice

Construct a claim-based  research paper 7-10 pages, formatted consistent with MLA guidelines, including the following elements: Introduction and a thesis statement (take a position–review resource in this module to help with creating a thesis statement) Body (discussion portion)  with supporting evidence and in-text citationsProper development and transitionsConclusionReference list with five […]
January 4, 2020

Reading Response for “Platforms Intervene,” “All Writing is Multimodal,” and “Composing for Recomposition”

You were asked to read “Platforms Intervene ,” “All Writing is Multimodal ,” and “Composing for Recomposition (http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/13.2/topoi/ridolfo_devoss/intro.html)” (stop reading at The D Brand). In at least 300 words, please respond here to the following prompt (you can just hit “reply” directly under this discussion): Drawing from examples in the […]
January 4, 2020

Argument Analysis Assignment

This assignment is designed to measure your ability to analyze someone elses written argument by using the tools of rhetorical analysis, critical thinking, and persuasion.  Use the article provided. You will be specifically analyzing the article writers argument.  As part of your essay introduction, give your reader a quick summary […]
January 4, 2020

Tim O’Brien, “The Things They Carried”

The men deal with the uncertainty, fear, and death around them in sometimes surprisingly tender, irreverently funny, or horrifyingly brutal ways. Choose specific passages from O’Brien’s story “The Things They Carried” to examine how these characters respond to their circumstances and the men around them. What ideas or conclusions does […]