August 22, 2020

Xrays and CT scans

X-rays and CT-scans (Medicine)o TheadventofX-raytechnologyisintimatelylinkedwiththediscoveryofradioactivity overall. Discuss this connection and how X-rays for the use of medicine evolved over time. Use concrete nuclear reactions to examplify this evolution. Word count: 2000 words Use citations and a list of references (bibliography). NEVER copy a text from somewhere else without putting signs […]
August 22, 2020

Xrays and CT scans

X-rays and CT-scans (Medicine)o TheadventofX-raytechnologyisintimatelylinkedwiththediscoveryofradioactivity overall. Discuss this connection and how X-rays for the use of medicine evolved over time. Use concrete nuclear reactions to examplify this evolution. Word count: 2000 words Use citations and a list of references (bibliography). NEVER copy a text from somewhere else without putting signs […]
August 20, 2020

Program Evaluation

Evaluate the hypothetical program that you created using the following types of evaluation: formative, process, outcome, and impact. Identify each type of evaluation that you are using and the part of the program to which it applies, program goals, and program accomplishments. Describe successful areas of the program and areas […]
August 20, 2020


Now that you have your unique survey data in Excel, you can perform descriptive statistics with the tools we learned at the beginning of the course. Windows PC users: For installing an Analysis ToolPak add-in, please use your HELP feature in your version of Microsoft Excel.Mac users: StatPlus: Mac LE […]
August 20, 2020

1D motion, kinematic equations

1. A beetle moves with a speed of 5.0 mm/s along the perimeter of a circular petri dish with diameterd = 16.6 cm. How long does it take the beetle to go around the dish once? [4 points]Note: A complete solution includes: a diagram (visualization) with all information identified and […]
August 9, 2020


A  proton  and  an  electron  have  an  average  separation  of  20    1010  m. Calculate  the  ratio  of  the  electrostatic  force  FE  to  the  gravitational  force FG  acting  on  the  particles. Use  G  =  667    1011  N  m2  kg2.
August 8, 2020


1.    You have been refining your art skills, congratulations! You recently have been using waterproof paints in your artwork, but you spilled them all over yourself. You need to clean it off before a family party. How could you remove the paint? Would your approach have any adverse effects on […]
August 8, 2020


You must answer the questions in the assignment guide for each topic you have chosen (approximately 550 words) and explain and apply some aspect of that topic material to your life (or future life) (approximately 250 words). The submission for each topic should be no more than 800 words; for […]
May 15, 2020

Handheld Solitaire

Handheld Solitaire requires no table, has simple rules, and is easily learned and played. It is played with a traditional 52 card deck of 4 suits (hearts, clubs, diamonds, and spades) and 13 ranks from ace (1) to king (13). Jokers are not included. The deck (face down) is held […]