September 2, 2020


Write a Python program that outputs the numbers from 1 to 100. However, if thenumber is divisible by 3, it should output Fizz instead. If the number is divisible by 5,it should output Buzz instead. If the number is divisible by both 3 and 5, outputFizzbuzz. An example output for […]
September 1, 2020

JavaScript Form Field Validation and Error Messages

You have created a basic form and added interactivity to images using JavaScript. Now it is time to validate information entered into your form fields. You will use the registration.html file found in your Zip file. You will see that the page has a form that has the following fields […]
September 1, 2020


Write a Python program that outputs the numbers from 1 to 100. However, if thenumber is divisible by 3, it should output Fizz instead. If the number is divisible by 5,it should output Buzz instead. If the number is divisible by both 3 and 5, outputFizzbuzz. An example output for […]
September 1, 2020

music quiz game

TASK 1Noel is creating a music quiz game.The game stores a list of song names and their artist(e.g. the band or solo artist name). The player needs totry and guess the song name.The game is played as follows: A random song name and artist are chosen. The artist and the […]
September 1, 2020

Basic Website

Details/Requirements  Create a website based on your mockup. The minimum requirements are below: ? Home Page Must Contain: NavigationBrief descriptionFooterGive credit where credit is due ? Videos page Must Contain: Minimum of 2 videoswith Brief descriptionand References ( Give credit where credit is due ) ? Images page Must Contain:Minimum […]
August 31, 2020

Web API assignment: CodeQuiz

I need a website that is a timed quiz that uses web apis the following below is the acceptance criteria:GIVEN I am taking a code quizWHEN I click the start buttonTHEN a timer starts and I am presented with a questionWHEN I answer a questionTHEN I am presented with another […]
August 30, 2020

ENTD380 Assignment 3

Assignment Instructions Instructions: * Make sure you go to this week’s chapter lesson for more guidance.  For this assignment, you will write two different methods.  In one method you will pass a value to the method and in the other method you will return a value from the method.  Name […]
August 29, 2020

Final Exam Project Requirements

Your web site must include the following: Headings and paragraphsPage structure elementsA background imageA color scheme of no more than 4 colorsFour images with citations near the imageAn external style sheetResponsive web design of at least a mobile and a desktop viewA formA tableA listA JavaScript external file with at […]
August 26, 2020

Pseudocode and Algorithms

This assignment consists of three (3) assessable tasks:Task: Ticket kiosk pricing function(Write a pseudocode function which calculates the price of a ticket order according to the price table)Task: Ticket kiosk interface program(Write a pseudocode program which the user will interact with to place a ticket order)Task: ISBN Validation program(Write a […]