May 12, 2020

PHP JavaScript – SQL – Social Network Analyser

I need some modifications on some code, the code is a social network analyser fully functional, for facebook, youtube, twitter and instagram, I need some small rearrangements on the APIs and also 3 new directory pages for facebook youtube and tweeter, at the moment I just have Instagram directory, also […]
May 12, 2020

PHP JavaScript – SQL – Social Network Analyser

I need some modifications on some code, the code is a social network analyser fully functional, for facebook, youtube, twitter and instagram, I need some small rearrangements on the APIs and also 3 new directory pages for facebook youtube and tweeter, at the moment I just have Instagram directory, also […]
May 11, 2020

programming exercise

Javascript coding Task 1    Write a JavaScript code using nested for loop (A nested loop is a loop within a loop ) to print your name number of times depending on the inserted value from the user. The output should be something similar to the following if the value inserted […]
May 11, 2020

programming exercise

Task 5    Write a JavaScript code using nested for loop (A nested loop is a loop within a loop ) to print your name number of times depending on the inserted value from the user. The output should be something similar to the following if the value inserted is 3: […]
May 10, 2020

arrays conversions and tables

All page production must be generated using JavaScript. The only HTML code permitted must be encased as part of a JavaScript statement. All styling must be accomplished with CSS. In-line or an external CSS document is acceptable. 1. Create a 2 x 2 table of images that relate to the […]
May 10, 2020

arrays conversions and tables

All page production must be generated using JavaScript. The only HTML code permitted must be encased as part of a JavaScript statement. All styling must be accomplished with CSS. In-line or an external CSS document is acceptable. 1. Create a 2 x 2 table of images that relate to the […]
May 10, 2020

arrays conversions and tables

All page production must be generated using JavaScript. The only HTML code permitted must be encased as part of a JavaScript statement. All styling must be accomplished with CSS. In-line or an external CSS document is acceptable. 1. Create a 2 x 2 table of images that relate to the […]
May 10, 2020

arrays conversions and tables

All page production must be generated using JavaScript. The only HTML code permitted must be encased as part of a JavaScript statement. All styling must be accomplished with CSS. In-line or an external CSS document is acceptable. 1. Create a 2 x 2 table of images that relate to the […]
May 10, 2020

arrays conversions and tables

All page production must be generated using JavaScript. The only HTML code permitted must be encased as part of a JavaScript statement. All styling must be accomplished with CSS. In-line or an external CSS document is acceptable. 1. Create a 2 x 2 table of images that relate to the […]