February 28, 2020


// TODO: Q1(c)(iii)  // Make an event listener to save text when it changes:  // …get the textarea element’s current value  //    (getting HTML input values is in Block 2 Part 2 Section 6)  // …make a text item using the value  //    (demonstrated elsewhere in this file)  […]
February 22, 2020

Browser Extension

I need a simple browser extension for chrome. It must do the following things: 1) have a user sign-in with username and password and verify user info against a SQL database. keep the user signed in even after closing the browser. Have a logout button once signed in. 2) when […]
February 21, 2020

Unit 6

Unit 6 Build a Registration Form    In this unit we will build a registration form so that business representatives can register the business they work for and then be eligible to use our conference center. This exercise will enhance our knowledge of HTML forms, CSS, and allow us to dive […]
February 20, 2020

WordPress and Features

Instructions Part A Reviewing WordPress and its Features After completing your website shell in WordPress, take a screenshot of the shell in a web browser or from WordPress, and paste the image in a document. Include a title page. Part B Using WordPress for Building Websites Insert at least one […]
February 20, 2020

Building your Website

In this unit, you will start building your website in either Notepad ++ or BlueGriffon. Before you start, complete the following homework assignment. Use diagrams and illustrations as needed:     Discuss the table(s) and form(s) that you will include in your website, including their purpose.    Discuss the internal […]
February 20, 2020

object-oriented php

part 1: The company “Visitors” wants a website for a guestbook. They want the guestbook to work so that it can create and delete posts.The guestbook should contain the entries who made the post (name or alias),The post (the text that was written) anddate and time when the post was […]
February 20, 2020

object-oriented php

part 1: The company “Visitors” wants a website for a guestbook. They want the guestbook to work so that it can create and delete posts.The guestbook should contain the entries who made the post (name or alias),The post (the text that was written) anddate and time when the post was […]
February 20, 2020

object-oriented php

part 1: The company “Visitors” wants a website for a guestbook. They want the guestbook to work so that it can create and delete posts.The guestbook should contain the entries who made the post (name or alias),The post (the text that was written) anddate and time when the post was […]
February 20, 2020

object-oriented php

part 1: The company “Visitors” wants a website for a guestbook. They want the guestbook to work so that it can create and delete posts.The guestbook should contain the entries who made the post (name or alias),The post (the text that was written) anddate and time when the post was […]