Prepare an outline and an APA paper with 1000-1250 words. You should include facts learned from chapter 8 in the text.
What is due diligence?
Prior to a company diversifying, they must do due diligence.
What are the methods of evaluating which strategy is the best for that company?
Paper Assignments – minimal requirements:
Papers that do not satisfy the minimal requirements below will receive a grade of zero.
*Outline (to be submitted with the paper, but is not part of the paper)
Refer to:
*Minimum word count – 1,000 word minimum (excluding title page and reference page)
*Times New Roman Font
* 12 Point Size
* Double-spaced
* 1 Margins
* Page numeration
*APA format
*Headers (on all pages, title page requires Running head: in the header)
* Proper citations, title page & reference page are mandatory
* Title page to include: Running head:, page number, paper title, Student name, University name
*Abstracts are not required
* Citations are to be from academic peer-reviewed articles (not magazine articles)
Sources: JWU Library
Paper must include:
Title page (Running head:, page number, paper title, student name, university name)
Thesis/introduction paragraph (Tell me what you are going to tell me)
Body (Tell me)
Conclusion paragraph (Tell me what you told me)