Grant Proposal: Item 2 – Statement of Need
In Module/Week 2, you will submit a 1-page Statement of Need as the first part of your actual Grant Proposal. Remember this item is critical. It should be a comprehensive, coherent, and concise description of the problem your organization faces and written in a way that is persuasive and encourages a Grant Maker to want to partnership with your organization to solve it.
If you chose Option 2 during Module/Week 2, you have some creative writing to do. Pick a logical need for your fictitious organization based on its Mission Statement. Dont create a monstrous, multifaceted need with a large, involved budget. If you do, it makes the other assignments of the Grant Proposal more time consuming to complete.
Finally, be sure to read the sample Need Statements in the textbooks and consider modeling your submission after one of them. There are some exceptional examples, and consider modeling your submission after one of theirs.