July 10, 2022

Risk Assassment

IntroductionA short description of the case study, ABC Technologies. A clear and concise summary of thedocument that sets its goals.Risk Management ExerciseA specific requirement is to fill in the following worksheets: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (optional), 6 (ifapplicable), 7, 8, 9a, 9b, 9c and 10.Provide justifications of your choices […]
July 10, 2022

Rope data structure implementation

Assignment that requires a custom implementation of the rope data structure. For a brief overview of what a rope data structure is, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rope_(data_structure). The skeleton for this data structure is already provided and the included comments indicate what each method that needs to be implemented does. In the main.java […]
July 6, 2022

holding the vendor accountable

Background: One of the most important aspects handling vulnerabilities is notifying the vendors of their existence in their products and working with the vendor to ensure that they are either fixed or mitigated, as well as holding the vendor accountable for addressing the vulnerability. Address the following scenario: Being in […]
July 3, 2022

Human Errors in Cyber security Questions and Methods

Research Questions and Methods:Provide four to six research questions for the proposed study. Why are these questions pertinent? How will they assist in policy or decision making?Than Provide a detailed explanation of the methods you expect to use during the research and why they are best suited to produce the […]
June 30, 2022

Topic Approval

Topic Approval1.    You can write about anything database-related except the history of databases.2.    The topic needs to have sufficient scholarly sources published within the last five years.  The topic should be highly relevant and specific to databases.3.    In addition to scholarly support, strong Biblical support is essential to your success.  […]
June 29, 2022


For this assignment, you are required to write a paper of 500 to 750 words (2 to 3 pages). This paper should discuss the office-based environment you are selecting for the current and upcoming course activities. Ensure you provide an overall thesis statement of why you selected this office-based environment, […]
June 25, 2022

Quantitative Business Methods

This assignment involves solving 2 math problems as thoroughly as possible.Please read chapter 1, 2, and 3 from the assigned textbook and attached PDFs to gain background information before you start the assignment.Use this WORD file attached to submit your assignment. You need to show your thorough calculation steps and […]
June 18, 2022

Man-in-the-Disk: A New Attack Surface for Android Apps

Read the blog article (See link below), Man-in-the-Disk: A New Attack Surface for Android Apps. After reading the article, submit a college-level response to the following questions: Who is really at fault for these Man-in-the-disk attacks? In a related question, where does the responsibility lie in fixing them? How can […]
June 18, 2022

Cloud Computing Chaos is Driving Identity Management Changes

Read the blog article (See link below), Cloud Computing Chaos is Driving Identity Management Changes. After reading the article, submit a college-level response to the following questions: How does cloud computing innovation affect IAM (Identity and Access Management)? The last sentence of the article says, identity and data are the […]