June 18, 2022

The Hard Parts of JWT Security Nobody Talks About

Read the blog article (See link below), The Hard Parts of JWT Security Nobody Talks About. After reading the article, submit a college-level response to the following questions: Even though symmetric signatures have limitations, can they still be used reliably in an application?  If so, under what conditions?  If not, […]
June 18, 2022

Two-factor Authentication is a Mess

Read the blog article (See link below), Two-factor Authentication is a Mess. After reading the article, submit a college-level response to the following questions: What are some reasons NOT to implement two-factor authentication?  The “checkbox” quote from Marc Boroditsky is telling.  What is dangerous about a company having such an […]
June 16, 2022

college success

Key Strategies to Improve Academic Success while in college  This question is specific to what is your why…why are you in college, what is your driving force, how do you see yourself in 2 years and where would you like to be? What skill and development do you need to […]
June 15, 2022

Evaluating incident best practices and recommendations

Write an essay about how to handle the incident involved with the nuclear plant in Germany in the ArsTechnica article title German nuclear plants fuel rod system swarming with old malware” by Sean Gallagher. Explain how to handle this incident as well as the vulnerabilities that lead to the compromise […]
June 15, 2022

Product Security Team

Background: After a vulnerability is discovered it must be dealt with. However, the question becomes who is responsible for discovering and fixing vulnerabilities, the vendor or the client? What if it is an industrial control system that is critical to a nuclear facilitys functionality? Keeping this question in mind, while […]
June 12, 2022

Access Control Policy

You have been asked to develop an access control policy for LMJ-Star Services (LSS) based on your understanding of the sensitivity of financial data and health care data. Research access control policies, and tailor a policy specifically for LSS. Provide an access control policy that addresses policy statement, purpose, scope, […]
June 12, 2022

System Integration

The next important step in the process of systems integration is to evaluate your options. It is always recommended that you compare at least three potential options to make the best decision. Based on what you determined as the best evaluation method during this weeks Discussion Board, you will apply […]
June 11, 2022

IT Ethics

In unit 3 the systems integration team must now perform the required integration analysis. During the integration activity there is an accepted code of ethics guiding the behavior of IT professionals. Integrity, competence, professional responsibility and societal responsibility are the main components of this code of ethics and standards of […]
June 8, 2022

Project 5

I came up with a Police App. The idea is that the phone would start recording after being within a certain vicinity of police radios. Develop alternatives. One of the alternatives needs to be “continue with no change” or however that should be phrased. Need to provide. Must define feasibility […]