May 23, 2022

Elaborate on the Malthusian economic theory emphasizing the graphical Principle of Population. (300 words)

Directions:Use Times New Roman, 12pt font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins.Do not repeat the questions in your submission; just provided responses.Provide three (3) references in APA format.Use your own wording.Must be submitted as a word document (doc, docx) — Canvas will not accept other filetypes.Must be independently researched.Must be completely free of […]
May 22, 2022


1.      answer to the questions below: (Min 250 words) No quoting Answer based on knowledge of the topic What changes in the guaranteed-jobs program might be made to fit your moral sensibilities about governmental responsibilities? 2-    Make constructive comment on each Response below: (betw 100-125words each) Response […]
May 18, 2022

Suppose that you could choose to be born in any country in the world, and at any point in history. You cannot however choose your position in the income distribution of that country at that time. Where and when would you choose to be born and why?

One of the main jobs of an economist is to convey his or her ideas by writing analytical prose. This assignment aims at introducing you to good writing practice at the very beginning of your university career. The process of writing for a final essay should be similar to this […]
May 12, 2022

Heterodox Economics Approaches to crime

(2) a specific reading that you disagree with.   In your criticism, you  must utilize at least 3 different  readings (not including the reading you are criticizing)  to provide evidence to bolster your argument. You should not need to use any external resources for this paper, although you may.  Avoid […]
May 8, 2022

Auctions and Dynamic Pricing

Use the video on auctions and at least three academic or high-quality business publications (see acceptable types below) to compare and contrast English auctions and Dutch auctions, and sealed-bid first-price auctions and Vickery auctions.InstructionsAddress the following questions in 57 pages:1.    Compare and contrast how each of the following uncovers value: […]
May 7, 2022


Of the multiple hypotheses that are discussed in Module 2 reading, which one, in your opinion, has the most fallacy? Please cite the course text, overview video/audio and module article in your response. Also please respond to the post of a classmate. Watch: Read/Scan:
April 26, 2022

Macroeconomic interactions with other countries

BU204M5-5: Examine how exports, imports, the balance of payments, and capital flows impact individual national economics and global economics. GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English. GEL-6.05: Adapt research skills to discover and sort relevant sources to complete tasks. PC-4.1: Assess the value of […]
April 26, 2022

write a proposal for my term paper

You need to write a proposal for my term paper, and you can choose a topic. The file Final Paper Instructions writes the range of the topic and you can choose the topic to follow that.The proposal is the important part of this term essay, and please read the additional […]
April 26, 2022

Managerial economics

You will write the paper on any managerial economics topic of your choice.The rubric and the direction about the structure will be posted.The total length of the research note should be 2000 to 2500 words, excluding the abstract (200 words), graphs,tables and bibliography. The Paper should consist of the following […]