June 16, 2022


As a theorist, Roy often emphasizes her primary commitment to define and develop nursing knowledge and regards her work with the Roy Adaptation Model as a rich source of knowledge for improving nursing practice for individuals and for groups. What are the differences in the adaptive modes for individuals and […]
June 16, 2022


As a theorist, Roy often emphasizes her primary commitment to define and develop nursing knowledge and regards her work with the Roy Adaptation Model as a rich source of knowledge for improving nursing practice for individuals and for groups. What are the differences in the adaptive modes for individuals and […]
June 16, 2022

Roy, Theorist

As a theorist, Roy often emphasizes her primary commitment to define and develop nursing knowledge and regards her work with the Roy Adaptation Model as a rich source of knowledge for improving nursing practice for individuals and for groups. What are the differences in the adaptive modes for individuals and […]
June 16, 2022

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What do you believe about sin and human problems and suffering? (1) How do the categories Alienation, Condemnation, Enslavement, and Depravity have in human suffering? (2) How does your belief compare to the insights offered by Keller?(3) What role does community and relationships play in human suffering?
June 16, 2022

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Develop your sin and suffering reflection paper. Respond to the following prompts (Use these items as headers for the paper):  (1) What do you believe about sin and human problems and suffering? (2) How do the categories Alienation, Condemnation, Enslavement, and Depravity have in human suffering? (3) How does your […]
June 15, 2022


Select a case study based on Gestalt Therapy or Interpersonal Psychotherapy. Elaborate on at least two (2) strengths, two (2) weaknesses and two (2) challenges for this therapy to discuss. Select a case study based on Family Therapy or Contemplative Psychotherapies. Elaborate on at least two (2) strengths, two (2) […]
June 15, 2022

difference in students grades in online classes versus traditional face-to-face classes

I will attach what I completed for milestone one with my research question included… The advice he gave me was ” I would like you to further consider your research question and narrow it down. Be specific of what your question is related to the topic. ” Narrow down the […]
June 14, 2022

Program Development

Assignment Content Using evidence-based practices will enhance program success. In this assignment, you work with your team to develop and propose a correctional program to be implemented for a specific population. Your team has been tasked with creating a new correctional program to address the risk and needs of a […]
June 14, 2022


Read the Shapiro Library articles, Psychologist Stanley Milgram Begins Obedience-to-Authority Experiments, Stanford Prison Experiment, and Moving Personality Beyond the Person-Situation Debate. Next, complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Your responses should each be about 2 to 5 sentences in length.     Analyzing Psychological Experiments […]