July 6, 2022

Personal Reflection

In Assignment #1 you identified three of your own behaviors that are things you would like to change or improve.  Review the feedback provided by your instructor and select the single behavior you will write about for the remaining personal reflection assignments. Instructions: Provide three examples of this one behavior […]
July 6, 2022

Behavioral System Model

Dorothy Johnson’s  model was the first to provide a guide to both understanding and action.  She had  two ideas which dealt with understanding seen first as a holistic, behavioral system process mediated by a complex framework and second as an active process of encounter and response. she developed conceptual models […]
July 5, 2022

Reading Response

Reading Response Write a Response Read. Gibbons (2009), Ch. 3  and Garca & Solorza (2020) Write a response for the following questions to reflect on the above readings: What in the reading surprised you or was new information? What question(s) do you still have? Why do you think the question(s) […]
July 5, 2022

Recall a prominent dream

Recall a prominent dream you have had and then review the dream theories in the textbook. If you do not remember a dream, you can make one up. Name and define the textbook theories. Then, using your dream, explain it through Freud’s dream theory. Be sure to include appropriate textbook […]
July 5, 2022

Concepts Understanding

Read Unit III (“Interaction in Groups”):,26, 27, 29, 30 Draw any 2 concepts, theories, research findings, or ideas from the readings assigned that you think are important for understanding sociological social psychology.  For each of the 2 concepts: 1) Define it in 1-2 sentences. 2) Explain in 1-3 sentences why […]
July 5, 2022

Autism: Disorder or Difference?

Explain the purpose of your research paper. Do you feel that your paper is adequately expressing this purpose so far? Why, or why not? Why do you feel that your paper is significant for people other than yourself? As you continue your work on your paper, do you feel that […]
July 5, 2022

Child mental health

CAmH essay question 2 Discuss and critically evaluate the evidence on institutional deprivation as a risk factor for neurodevelopment disorders. Remember to try to be as concise as possible in the essay always trying to tell a story but being straight to the point, and also making sure your text […]
July 4, 2022

Behavior-Analytic Assessment Tools

Intervention Support Plan This assignment is the fourth component of your course project. In Unit 5, you uncovered a wide range of scholarly works necessary for developing a strategic approach that entails multiple principles and tactics for changing behavior. In this project component, you will create an intervention support plan […]
July 4, 2022

Promoting Generalized Outcomes

Promoting Generalized Outcomes Your readings in your Applied Behavior Analysis text relate to stimulus generalization and response generalization. For your discussion this week: Find a video that shows an example of either stimulus generalization or response generalization (e.g. YouTube, create one, etc).Drop the link in the discussion forum.Then, provide a […]