January 16, 2020

Crime lab science final essay

Please upload the final examination essay questions here. 1.  Why is Y chromosome STR analysis sometimes used in sexual assault  cases?  Can the Y-STR analysis be used to show that a suspect is a  match for a particular sample?    2.  What is touch DNA?  When would it be used? […]
January 16, 2020

how the sky is related to the way humans (or hobbits or aliens) keep time.

Astronomy Topic how the sky is related to the way humans (or hobbits or aliens) keep time. : 2 pages double spaced 12font MLA…You do not need lots of sources (or, if you are writing about a calendar you already know, any), but any references you use you should tell […]
January 5, 2020

Med Surg

A 21 year old male presents to the ED with stable angina. He underwent a full cardiac workup, and was ultimately found to have multivessel CHD. In summary, the presence of mild , high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, obesity, and a family history was sufficient to induce ischemic heart disease at […]