June 21, 2022

Grand proposal project description

The submission should follow the instructions provided on the Grant Proposal (RFP), include the project goal(s), SMART objectives, and activity timelines chart. Section 2 – [2 – 3 pages]  Description of Proposed Research – (Including Method and Approach, Project Activity, Methodology and Outcomes) Now that you are established a need […]
June 21, 2022

HIST 1301

  Read Chapters 11 & 12 and the information included in ; Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl; scroll down the document at this website and read through Chapters V, VI, and VII of the account by ex-slave Harriet Jacobs. What does this account reveal about the nature of […]
June 21, 2022

MUSI 1306 Research Project

We live in a multicultural society, and we often think that this is a uniquely modern and American condition. Our study of history shows us that this is not the case. Still, it is helpful to consider the role of cross-cultural influences in our own society. What constitutes influence, and […]
June 21, 2022

The Right to Remain Silent

Prior to beginning your written assignment, read the article, the article, article, and the Miranda v. Arizona, 386 U.S. 436 (1966) court decision. Read the following case scenario: The former Sameer Shariff, a Saudi Arabian national who changed his name to The Left Hand of God and is known to […]
June 21, 2022


3- to 5-pages Due Sunday June 26th  Please follow the rubric to provide the best quality work  Introduction and conclusion is mandatory  APA format 7th edition Provide correct citations and references Plagiarism free, turn it I’m report, A+ work, timely manner  Reference pg (3 peer reviewed references minimum)
June 21, 2022

Victimology M1 A1

250 words  Topic for your initial response: Consider the definition of victimology. Of the various methods of collecting crime and victimization data discussed in this module and in any additional research that you conduct, which are best suited for use in researching victimology? Why? Expand your thoughts to think beyond the NCVS […]
June 21, 2022

Week 7 Article Critique

 Use the Campbellsville University Library databases to do research on peer-reviewed journal articles on the topic of Cybersecurity or Information Systems Infrastructure  (do not use Google or Wikipedia). Choose an article that includes all parts listed in the Article Critique Rubric located on the Moodle course page. Download the file in […]
June 21, 2022

Due Process

Prior to posting your primary response to this discussion, watch the six-minute video, the six minute video, read the article, and article. What is due process? Create a definition in your own words; provide specific, constitutional foundations for due process and create your own assessment of its significance in the […]
June 21, 2022

Research the most current ways to prevent identity theft. List the pro’s and con’s of the one you feel would be the most effective.

QUESTION: Research the most current ways to prevent identity theft. List the pro’s and con’s of the one you feel would be the most effective.  – The initial post must include at least one (1) scholarly source for support. You can use your textbook or current research articles (published within […]