December 4, 2020

Write a essay review of ONE social policy article (2000 words) The articles will be provided for you

Your review should:     Discuss the main arguments of your selected article    Discuss the methodology that the author has used in her/his research and the advantages/disadvantages of this methodology    Demonstrate evidence of your own independent reading in order to examine the links between the discussion of your selected article and […]
November 2, 2020

invest funds in 8 assets consisting of 4 US equities and 4 foreign currencies with USD as the home currency.

JP Morgan Asset Management You are a Hedge Fund Manager for JP Morgan Asset Management. You are in charge of a $3M fund pool. Your clients have instructed you to invest the fund in US assets predominantly in equities and foreign currencies with USD as the home currency. You decide […]
October 29, 2020

predefined time boundaries

Question: Critically discuss the role of predefined time boundaries in the organisation and management of projects You are required to submit a fully referenced analytical paper of 3,000 words, with 20-30 appropriate references, such as New York Times, peer-reviewed journal articles, books and other scholarly works (no wiki or google) […]
October 18, 2020

Define counselling

To explain the Concept of Counselling.You are asked to identify different helping strategies within the caring professions including one example of voluntary and one example of statutory provision. Define Counselling and explain boundary issues. Offer an explanation of the importance of equality of opportunity in the counselling relationship and explain […]
October 11, 2020

Construction Management

Hi, I would like help on this assignment. I am an undergraduate student studying construction management in Dublin. For this assignment I am tasked with finding and comparing Project Management Document Control Software. The assignment should look at how the chosen software would and needs to work for the client, […]
October 6, 2020


Choose one of 5 topics provided from the instruction, follow the guidelines and Data resources provided (links), word limit- 1200 High academic standard research paper, the research must demonstrate professional macroeconomic analysis, macroeconomic education background required for the writer.This is a postgraduate assessment, please provide in-depth insight of the research […]
August 28, 2020

International Business Stratergy

If you have a look at the uploaded material, there will be a list of suggested topics to choose from. I have chosen option A and the company and country i have gone with is Uber in the UK. Please do a few slides on who UBER are and then […]
August 25, 2020


Write a critical response to the following essay title:  To what extent is inequality a necessary evil?  1. Brief introduction with background (e.g. Provide a definition of inequality.  How/where/why does it occur? How is it measured?). Approx. 150 words. 2. How does society benefit/suffer from inequality? (e.g. who benefits and […]
August 23, 2020


the report should have:an introduction theoretical framework which should includeShipping supply and demand and the 10 factors that influence them (from Maritime Economics M.Stophord)Market equilibriumFreight Rate Mechanism (I will send a journal article)the supply and demand curves as well as a graph with both of themeconomies of scale(mega ships -mega […]