October 10, 2020

Covid-19 in Australia

Hi there i want you to do only the individual work in (assignment 2) I would like you to start documenting my Findings, Interpretations, Recommendations (1 to 1.5 page each) from (assignment 1) i am “Student 6”. i want the work to be similar to the “example” as possible and […]
October 9, 2020

Please note the “instruction” in the attachments.

1. The course title is “Strategy in the Global Marketplace”, please pick up a global business to be the investigate target for complete the assignment. 2. Please follow the attachments titled as “COURSEWORK 1_Assessment Guidance.pdf” strictly. Although this is a powerpoint, please type all the wordings you think necessary in […]
October 6, 2020

Please note the “instruction” in the attachments.

The terms management and leadership have been used in various ways: from being equivalent, to holding completely different meanings. Some may say that leadership does not require any managerial position to act as a leader, whilst others believe that a true manager is the one with leadership traits. In the […]
September 7, 2020

event report and analysis

While the covid19 quarantine policy is in place you are required to attend a cultural virtual event within a specific sector of the industry. Engage and analyse your specific event with a written analysis of 2000 words. The event can be a global event and tour involvement in this event […]
September 2, 2020


Case study report written from the perspective of service provider (3rd party logistics provider).      Summary of issues     Discussion of each issue detailed analysis supported with literature/evidence  See The attachments please for more details.
August 26, 2020

Dyson UK IMC Campaign objective and scope

Based on the Proposal paper (i will upload) write Campaign objective and scope chapter. Example – British airways file (will upload). SO YOU WILL NEED TO INCLUDE EVERYTHING LIKE IN THE BA WORK BUT FOR DYSON UK. Only UK market, not international. be careful with the numbers provided in the […]
August 21, 2020

how the healthcare NGOs affects the public health in Pakistan

(Master degree Research Essay, 2750words excluding references, use Harvard Style Reference)Essay broad topic: Devolving health care to NGOs is a particularly efficient way for developing countries to respond to the health concerns of their citizens. Critically discuss this with reference to a particular country context. Essay main argument: how the […]
May 10, 2020

medical questions

Answer all of the questions included in this document.  In your answer you must include references in Harvard format.  You must submit your work via turnitin (available under the assessment tab on the module space). Work must adhere to the university policy regarding good academic practice. Question 1 (14 Marks) […]
May 9, 2020


A 2,000 words report individual assignment. The student writes a critical reflective essay on a topic of choice in corporate governance . P.S: CARROLL AND FRIEDMAN SHOULD BE INCLUDED THE TOPIC : NEW CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR CORPORATE GOVERNANCE THE ESSAY CONTENTS  will be : INTRODUCTION 500LITERATURE REVIEW AND Body […]