July 26, 2022

Did Canadians Meet the Challenges of the Past 125 Years?

I will put the page my teacher left me attached. There will be a title page, footers, and a bibliography.The 7 main points I chose for my essay were…-GST-CN Tower-Terry Fox-Female Mounties-Expo 67-Marilyn Bell-War Saving Stamps (helping on the homefront)
July 25, 2022

Epic of Gilgamesh

Instructions: In 2- 3 pages, a minimum of 750 words explain the importance and legacy of the Epic of Gilgamesh. Why do you think this particular work is so timeless? What are some themes from the Epic of Gilgamesh that you can find in movies/plays/books/tv shows today? Can you make […]
July 25, 2022

my fight with mental illness and how it affected me the most in my early years of high school and quarantine.

Narrative/Creative Essay. The topic of my struggle with mental illness: depression and anxiety. How it affected me all my three years high school. What i struggled with: school, teachers, grades, peer pressure with drug intake, skipping/ditching classes and friendships within school. Church how it changed me and showed me real […]
July 21, 2022

masque of the red death

write an eassy. Edgar Allen Poe wrote “Masque of the Red Death” as an allegory for the topic of avoidance.  Begin your response by summarizing what you think is the story’s allegorical meaning–the symbolic meaning behind the surface narrative.  Then explain what you interpret are the consequences of avoidance according […]
July 17, 2022

Describe a topic that you dind so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time.Why does it captivate you?

I need a basic outline of an essay that talksw about my curiosity and my amazement of the night sky and space.It can be a very basic outline.Include something about amazement and growth of how it creates a new sense if possible.Thanks
July 15, 2022

Rebellion, Autocracy

So the story is about a group called the SSD who are trying to take over the Government known as the MAR. The country is stuck in a totalitarian grasp and the SSD have one chance to dissolve the government once and for all. The main protagonist is a girl […]
July 15, 2022

developmental/lifespan psychology, prenatal development and birth, and the physical, emotional, cognitive, social development in infants and toddlers, and early childhood.

https://fod-infobase-com.ezproxy.mscc.edu/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=86547 view the free streaming video documentaryAfter viewing the program in its entirety, students are to write an essay of a minimum of one thousand (1,000) wordsthis section the student should provide, in their own words, a reasonably detailed summary of the salient information presented in the programIn this section […]
July 13, 2022

personal legend essay

it is a 5 paragraph essay with a topic about the 3 personal legends that I have in my life to achieve.I have the introduction paragraph which I need you to continue from that.(I have already chosen 3 personal legends and I need you to write a paragraph for each […]
July 12, 2022

To act against injustice without a self-centered reasoning

It needs to be about activism and how characters stand up to it and it has two come from three different books The invention of wings, Antigone, and Just mercy. It must look at the way the main characters look at or handle injustice and how each book connects in […]