June 27, 2022

What was the impact of World War Two in America

Researched Investigation (1000 words): What was the impact of WW2 on your chosen country (United States of America) Citations & Bibliography: a complete and correctly referenced bibliography & citations using one standard method.  The bibliography must include all sources cited in the assignment.  Project requirements:1. Evidence of good research through […]
June 26, 2022


https://login8.cloud1.tds.airast.org/student/V519/Pages/LoginShell.aspx?c=Florida_PT&a=Student thats the link for the article, just click sign in and you have can see the whole article. i really need this done to gradute high school plz school ends in 7 days
June 26, 2022

using multiple sources to compose a research paper

Research Topic and Sources for Research Paper Final Assessment Objective: Students will gather multiple sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and avoid plagiarism by compiling a works cited page. StandardsW7: Gather relevant information from multiple sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the […]
June 26, 2022


ESSAY MUST INCLUDE DETAIL & AT LEAST TWO CITATIONS FROM THE READING: TEENS ARE STARTING TO GET VACCINATED. “THIS IS A BIG DEAL FOR SCHOOLS.”  THE LINK TO THE READING IS ABOVE. https://www.edweek.org/leadership/teens-are-starting-to-get-vaccinated-thats-a-big-deal-for-schools/2021/04Oppose the covid vaccine
June 25, 2022

capstone essay

Select two texts studied this year in which the authors advocate change and identify the specific attitudes or traditions they wish to modify. For each text, analyze how the author develops his or her ideas to influence the views of the reader or audience. Avoid plot summary.
June 25, 2022

Discuss how two works you have studied present concepts of good and bad, not as absolute notions, but as a matter of individual perception. Works to choose from: THE PLAGUE BELOVED FICCIONES THE WORLD’S WIFE

Discuss how two works you have studied present concepts of good and bad, not as absolute notions, but as a matter of individual perception. Works to choose from: THE PLAGUEBELOVEDFICCIONESTHE WORLD’S WIFE 900 words please.
June 24, 2022

Using the article, Genre is Disappearing. What Comes Next?, write an argumentative essay, of 400-500 words, that addresses the question below. The majority of your evidence should be from the article. You may also use relevant knowledge, personal experi

Using the article, Genre is Disappearing. What Comes Next?, write an argumentative essay, of 400-500 words, that addresses the question below. The majority of your evidence should be from the article. You may also use relevant knowledge, personal experience, or observations to support your response. Are there inherent or unintended […]
June 24, 2022

Ruff, Lovecraft Country: Lovecraft Country, Dreams in the Which House

Read: Ruff, Lovecraft Country: Lovecraft Country, Dreams in the Which House pp. 1-143-Why do you feel Ruff set the story in 1954 rather than in contemporary times (the book was published in 2016)?-Compare the relationship of Atticus’s family, Letitia’s family, and the Braithwhite family. What is similar, and what is […]
June 23, 2022

Problem/Solution Essay (Procrastination: How can we prevent it)

Hi there! I need around a 4-5 page problem/solution essay with the topic of “Procrastination: How can we prevent it?” I’ve attached several files for help and a full example essay my teacher has provided. — ESSAY OUTLINE —Part I (3-4 paragraphs) IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEM (done)Part II (3-4 paragraphs) PROPOSING […]