July 28, 2022

Which essay connected the most with you?

Which essay connected the most with you?  When answering, be sure to cite at least 3 specific examples from the essay.  Your response must be between 150 – 250 words long. Responses not adhering to the word count guidelines (going under or over the 150-250 restrictions) will not be eligible […]
July 26, 2022

Recall a prominent dream

Recall a prominent dream you have had and then review the dream theories in the textbook. If you do not remember a dream, you can make one up. Name and define the textbook theories. Then, using your dream, explain it through Freud’s dream theory. Be sure to include appropriate textbook […]
July 25, 2022

Operations and Supply Chain Management

Write a 350-word report which outlines the key content you have planned towards Assignment 2. Your report will need to include the following three components: 1. An introduction to the chosen organization (Waitrose Distribution Centre, Euxton, UK), who they are, what they do and briefly describing the size of the […]
July 25, 2022

Uses for a Cardboard Box

This activity is meant to be a fun – to see your creativity. A paragraph is not necessary but please write in complete sentences. Take 5 minutes to jot down all the uses for a cardboard box. Include every possibility that you can think of, even if it seems unreasonable. […]
July 24, 2022

Classical and Operant Conditioning

    1. Define / explain the difference between classical and operant conditioning and give a  unique example of each. A professor has been noticing that too many students are coming to class late and it is extremely disruptive to the learning environment. She wants to stop this rude behavior […]
July 23, 2022

Informative Speaking

nstructionsWatch the video embedded below, focusing on the speaker’s use of informative strategies, presentation aids, and storytelling. Then answer the following questions. RequirementsIn your post, copy and paste the prompts below, then type in your answers.Write in complete sentences, paying attention to answer length requirements.Use visual organization (bullet points, white […]
July 23, 2022

Museum Reflection Project

Museums are a reflection of the humanities because they collect and curate items that teach us about the human condition in a variety of cultural settings. To complete this assignment, take the following steps: 1. Read the following article: A History of Museums: “The Memory of Mankind” (Links to an […]
July 23, 2022

Culture experience

You will write 1000 words or more (excluding MLA formatting/documentation) on the following topic: Choose and attend a cultural experience you have not encountered before. It must be a single cultural event. This could be any of the following: a religious service of a faith to which you don’t belong […]
July 23, 2022

Music Appreciation Music Report

You will research the piece of music, composer and describe the work from the performance that you view online. The report will include an introduction (naming the piece, composer and performance viewed), the body (include history of the piece, composer and performance cited, also, thoroughly describe the music from a […]