January 10, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Develop a well-organized, logical response in paragraph form for each. Include as much specific information in your supporting argument as you can; specific details should come especially from material we covered in class and the written lecture, but may also include material in the text. Do NOT rely SOLEY on […]
January 10, 2020

Sula by Toni Morrison

    A clearly articulated thesis that states, somewhere in your introduction, the assertion (position, interpretation) that your paper will prove    An introduction, a minimum of 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion    At least two quotes from the novel itself that are integrated into your discussion    At least two citations of […]
January 10, 2020

Apply mathematical formulas to everyday business transactions.

Apply mathematical formulas to everyday business transactions. Minimum Submission Requirements: All questions must be answered and the submission must be successfully uploaded to the Dropbox. If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored. This module focuses on […]
January 10, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Compose a brief introduction of yourself from the perspective of your pet–or an animal that would be well acquainted with your hobbies/interests. Make sure to format the paper in MLA style, include a photo of you and the animal, and use pronouns reflective of your identity. (preferably a dog). The […]
January 9, 2020


this is our take-home final exam. Attached are 2 samples of exam, instructions sheet and template for exam. I’m taking the “critical thinking”course. Also the course is related to film studies. And the documentary I choose is <Taxi to the darkside>which you can watch on Youtube.(Need to rent).  Make sure […]
January 9, 2020

Psychology and film

IMPORTANT NOTES:  You need to write only 3-5 page paper is fine, rest of it you will make a 5-slide PPT of presentation based on the topic of paper. I choose “Freud and the Neurotic conflict” this topic. *Final Research Paper and Presentation Prompt. The presentation is based on your […]
January 9, 2020

Hollywood and WWII

Writing an essay based on Hollywood and World War II, no particular topic needed, just make sure the theme of paper is connected to HOLLYWOOD and WWII. e.g.: you can list some of the famous films and directors from Hollywood emerged in WWII and analyze them. Also you can introduce […]
January 9, 2020

Essay #2: Fiction

A Good Man is Hard to Find p. 352 or p. 336The Gift of the Magi p. 164 or 271The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas p. 252 or 229 in the Backpack Literature (Kennedy & Gioia). Select one of the stories that you read and write an essay based […]
January 9, 2020

Discussion Board #1 Lottery

                                                                “Lottery”        “The Lottery,” on p. 258 or 235  in the Backpack Literature (Kennedy & Gioia). […]