January 23, 2020

coding a 4 page website

For this assignment, create a four page website using flexbox or CSS grid. The layout must adapt to the screen size. Remember design for mobile first. You must create a responsive navigation. The navigation must adapt to the screen size. Aim to have at least two media queries. The media […]
January 21, 2020


I.      Working Application a.      Source Code b.      Compiled Code n      eProject Report should comprise – q      Acknowledgements q      eProject Synopsis q      eProject Analysis q      eProject Design n      DFDs n      FlowCharts […]
January 21, 2020

VBA assignment

The instructions are on the first tab “Instructions”. Utilize the additional tabs, “Data” and “Output”. When in the “Output” tab, enter Developer, and Visual Basic. Then follow the below instructions to write out the code beginning with SUB. Within the VBA window, the instructor provided additional instructions;
January 20, 2020

Hands-On Project

Chapter 2Project 2-1 In this project,you will create a class and use the variable defined within the class in aWeb Form. 1. Start your Web development editor and open your chapter2 Web site, if it is not already open. 2. Create a new class item in your project and name […]
January 17, 2020

Web design for a local restaurant

You are required to design a customized software for your client, who happensto own a restaurant at atourist place. Due to the shortage of manpower the owner wants to automate someprocesses. The clientwants  to  have  a  computerized  display  on  the  entrance  for  booking of tables.  Using  the  same,  customershould be […]
January 16, 2020

Assign css code for my web page

can use any software ,html code is alredy there ,must do css in seperate css file named homework.css, all images are there ,personal message for more detailes its easy work, file is here:-https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ySJ0qHG-oO_U0hJC5hwNfc-oM5prLZRn
January 10, 2020

If else statement code

#rosie#customer ordering bot to process orders more quickly#Diane Ambatis, Meira Balikciogluprint(“hello, my name is Rosie! I’m here to help you place you’re flower order”)print(“which flower display would you like?”)print(“youre options are Daisy Display,Rose Display,Tulip Display”) print(“great choice! that will cost 40 dollarsl”)if Rose displayprint(“beutiful selection! that will cost 50 dollars.”)if […]