May 10, 2020

arrays conversions and tables

All page production must be generated using JavaScript. The only HTML code permitted must be encased as part of a JavaScript statement. All styling must be accomplished with CSS. In-line or an external CSS document is acceptable. 1. Create a 2 x 2 table of images that relate to the […]
May 9, 2020

Data Visualization

the assignment about crating a website that handle (ref data) for 3 different type of users.the first page should include links for each type of user.each of user profile should visualize the data as required in the attached file. the coding using d3v4 example of coding is similar to the […]
May 6, 2020

Web Coding

Develop a website which includes the following:1.) Utilizes bootstrap and a css file which contains any additional rules, or changes to, bootstrap components that implements at least:a background imagea grid layout with multiple columnsfont colors and effects2.) Content (image or otherwise) in a box with shadow effects and a footnote3.) […]
May 6, 2020

Select ONE B2C website company in the airline industry. Evaluate the selected website company in terms of website design (appearance) uniqueness and the online consumer security and protection. Recommend ways to improve the selected B2C companys website design and online consumer security.
March 1, 2020

add find box with next/previous bottons on webpage

to produce a code that puts a textbox and 2 bottons to find Next and previous results based on the input in the textbox. baiscally just like the Find function in the browser when you press Ctrl+F. but it should be on a web page that can be put in […]
March 1, 2020

Unit 7

    Learn to create classes that can be reused with methods that perform output roles.    Learn to collect and validate data that will be sent to the class to create page objects    Learn to process a selection using a switch (multiple conditional) statements    Create a list of breakout sessions for […]
February 29, 2020

C# Dungeons and Dragons – Classes

I have not yet started this assignment. You have been asked to create a Dungeon and Dragons style game. They have asked you to Design a class called Character that will hold the following information:    Name    Age    Players Name    Level    Gender    Race    Class (i.e. fighter, wizard)Then create a program that […]
February 28, 2020

Unit 7

    Learn to create classes that can be reused with methods that perform output roles.    Learn to collect and validate data that will be sent to the class to create page objects    Learn to process a selection using a switch (multiple conditional) statement    Create a list of breakout sessions for […]
February 28, 2020


Breifly answer the following 3 questions in response to this video: Based on the side-by-side comparison of Python and PHP, do they look similar? Breifly Explain.2. What are at least 2 differences between Python and PHP? Breifly Explain.3. If you learn PHP, do you think it would then be difficult […]