Presentation #1: Identifying and Illustrating my Skills
There is a valuable lesson to be learned from those who have conducted successful job searches: it is extremely important to define who you are as you embark on your job search AND to be able to illustrate who you are through short stories from your professional and personal life that demonstrate the unique strengths you bring to a role.
Objective: Develop a 3-4 minute recorded presentation in which you (1) define who you are now, using Sidney Fines Three Kinds of Skills, (2) illustrate your skills with a story from your life as directed below and (3) set a goal as to how you will demonstrate/apply your skills in your current internship. You will use PowerPoint or a similar tool to create your presentation.
Recording Directions: record your completed presentation and upload it into the dropbox for Presentation #1 in D2L.
Your recording options are:
Presentation Content Directions: In your presentation, make sure to:
1. Define your skills. (3 Slides-one for each skill type)
a. Using Sidney Fines Three Kinds of Skills (linked ), identify one Transferable/Functional skill (what you can do), one personal trait/attitude (how you conduct yourself), and one knowledge-based skill (what you know) that best define the strengths you bring to your internship at this moment. (You are encouraged to identify one of these skills from your Strengthsfinder survey.)
2. Determine how your passions, values, and interests connect to the skills you have identified. (1 slide)
3. Illustrate with a story. (1 slide)
your identified skills. You might revisit the SOAR format to tell your story, revisited . You could also consider the storytelling suggestions offered by Katherine Hanson in your assigned readings, found (Your story must contain: what you wanted to accomplish, a hurdle or obstacles you encountered, a description of what you did, a description of the result that is measurable.) If you absolutely need to tell more than one story, you can. The goal here is to show your audience how you have demonstrated the skills you have identified.
4. Determine Next Steps. (1 slide)
Required Readings for Presentation:
Just to let you know that I am Computer Science student so present it accordingly